Board of Directors Application Form

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Volunteer with us!

All applicants are welcome to apply regardless of professional background, however, to complement the existing skills set of the current Board, we are currently seeking individuals with personal or professional experience in legal services, marketing, finance (CPA)

Qualifications and assets we are looking for:

  • Experience with or an interest in the employment and business services sector
  • Ability to be an ambassador for the agency and the clients served by Job Skills
  • Strong communication, negotiation and consensus-building skills set
  • Dedication to building the capacity of our communities

Recruitment Process:

  • Interested candidates should complete and submit this form
  • Your submission will be reviewed by the Job Skills’ board recruitment and nominating committee
  • If evaluated to be a match to the recruitment priorities of the board, you will be invited to participate in Job Skills’ recruitment interviews.
  • The board will review your candidacy based on the board recruitment committee recommendations.
  • Upon being voted to the board, the successful candidate will complete a board orientation and a 3-month probationary period term in which he/she will be assigned a mentor director.
  • All invitations to join the board of directors of Job Skills will be conditional upon the satisfactory completion of a clean criminal record and judicial matters check, meeting funding organization guidelines. Job Skills will reimburse the cost of the criminal record and judicial matters check.

Note: Job Skills’ employees, participants in a current program or the post-program phase, students on placements, individuals employed by another service provider or government employees working for a ministry or department which funds Job Skills will be informed that a minimum of one-year hiatus will be observed.

Job Skills’ board of directors are unpaid.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1594407835447{padding-top: 80px !important;padding-right: 60px !important;padding-bottom: 60px !important;padding-left: 60px !important;background-color: #ba0c2f !important;}”][contact-form-7 id=”26974″ html_class=”gem-contact-form-white”][/vc_column][/vc_row]